A Tradition of Charitable Giving … A Plan for the Future
Just as you plan for your future and that of your loved ones, the 51 Center must plan for its future. We must be prepared to face new challenges, anticipate worldwide trends and provide creative measures to battle antisemitism, hatred, and injustice.
There are philanthropic tools available that can benefit you and your loved ones while helping to secure the Center’s future. You can perpetuate your commitment to the Center and at the same time benefit from the form of philanthropy known as Planned Giving.
The 51 Center recognizes that there is much more to charitable giving than the desire for tax benefits. As everyone’s needs and objectives are unique, it is imperative to consult with your own tax and legal advisers. Our team of development professionals are prepared to work along with your estate and financial planners to provide all the necessary information specific to meet your objectives.
Planned Giving opportunities include:
For more information, contact:
Rabbi Meyer H. May
Executive Director
"I have received many honors in my lifetime.
When I die, these honors will die with me.
But the 51 Center will live on as my legacy."
* The 51 Center, Inc. is a qualified tax-exempt nonprofit corporation under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. The tax identification number is 95-3964928. This information is intended to provide general gift planning education. Our organization is not qualified to provide specific legal, tax or investment advice, and this source should not be looked to relied upon as a source for such advice. Consult with your legal and financial advisors before making any gift.